Study Tours

Working From Past 20 Years

The Best Education helpers.

New York - New Jersey Ivy Leagues

American Quest Study Tour Itinerary (New York - New Jersey)


4pm Arrival John F Kennedy Airport

6pm Check in Hotel

7pm Orientation on training and Study Tour Details, American Quest Certification Programs Details and Presentation.

Dinner in Historic City and Night Tour

9am Columbia University Tour and presentation on Ivy Leagues and 7 Sister leagues

2pm Presentation on Ivy Leagues Harvard. Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Penn and Princeton. Discussion on Alumni, New York Business Schools, Law School and Science Center.

5pm Tour of Manhatian City and Session on Why New York Cities are first choice of students and Startups

9am World rank#1 STEM institute of Technology tour. Wall Street, World Trade Center.

2pm Visit Technology Parks New York University and Village Town. Startups and Entrepreneur Center tour and American Quest Presentation on Emerging Leaders of American States.

5pm FDR Drive Visit and Career Growth session from Wharton School to Princeton

University acknowledgments. Endorsement to Research and Development at State

University of New York with Center for Economic Growth CEG role for industry.

9am Cruise Trip and training session on Diversity and inclusion at Hudson River, Board Walk, Museum of Natural History Tour.

9am Leading City for Education and Health, Rutgers New Jersey Visit: Business Community, Local Industry Non Delusive Funding Presentation.

Brief Outlook of Hands on Practices and Presentation on Franchising us Non Franchising Practices in Diversified communities.

Workshop on Developing Employment Skill and communication.

9am Visit Queens, Brooklyn and Bronx Tours and learn Cultural Diversity Sessions including Study Tour at State University of New York.

9am Leading City for Education and Health, Rutgers New Jersey Visit; Business Community, Local Industry Non Dilutive Funding Presentation. Brief Outlook of Hands on Practices and Presentation on Franchising vs Non Franchising Practices in Diversified Communities. Workshop on Developing Employment Skills and Communication.

9am Departure for Princeton University

6pm Evening at Princeton Practices and Role of Financial Practices in Markets.

Wharton School Philadelphia Tour in Pennsylvania State.

Atlantic City Tour and Retreats at Casino Palaces including Caesar’s. Board Walk at Atlantic Ocean and Night life tour.

9am New York City (1) Session on Leading New York Companies Think Change, Adapt, Thrive and or Fall Behind. 4pm (2) Empire State Building (3) Statue of Liberty.

9am Session on Empowerment and Fortune 500 Companies Approach to Breakthrough Thinking and Grand Central Park Visit, Uptown Downtown

9am Departure from JFK Airport

New York - Boston ivy Leagues

American Quest Study Tour Itinerary (New York - Boston)


4pm Arrival Boston Logon Airport and check in Hotel.

6pm Orientation on training and study tour details. American Quest Certification programs details and presentation.

7pm Dinner in Historic City and Night tour.

9am Harvard tour and presentation on Ivy Leagues and 7 Sister leagues

2pm Presentation on Ivy Leagues Harvard. Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Penn and Princeton. Discussion on Harvard Alumni, Harvard Business School, Law School and Science Center.

5pm Tour of Cambridge city and Session on Why boston Cambridge twin cities are first choice of students and Startups

9am World rank#1 STEM MIT Massachusetts institute of Technology tour. MIT Engineering, Math, Technology Centers.

2pm Visit Technology Parks of MIT and Alumni, Startups and Entrepreneur Center tour and American Quest Presentation on Emerging Leaders of new England States.

5pm Charles River visit and Career Growth session from Silicon Valley to Stanford University acknowledgments. Endorsement to Research and Development at State University of New York with Center for Economic Growth CEG role for industry.

9am Cruise Trip and training session on Diversity and inclusion at Cape Code, Whales Watch Tour and Aquarium.

9am Session on Culinary Hospitality and Tourism in New England State. Leading Education Hub Seminar on Safety and Health, 3pm Visit; Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern, New England Colleges and Tuff Campuses Brief tours and Presentations. Workshop on Developing Employment Skills, Hospitality and Communication.

9am Departure for New York City.

6pm Evening at Times Square, Broadway and Downtown.

9am New York University, Wall Street and World Trade Monument Center.

6PM: Meet the Chef from World rank # 1 Culinary Institute of America (CIA) and Learn New York Favorite Cuisines.

9am Session on Empowerment and fortune 500 Companies Approach to Breakthrough thinking, Columbia University and Grand Central Park Visit uptown Downtown.

9am Long Island Jones Beech and Port Jefferson Tour.

9am China Town and 2pm Historic Museum of National History Visit.

9am Visit Flee Markets, Queens Boulevard, Brooklyn Bridge and Outdoor Sessions on Diversity Inclusion Trip to State University of New York

Tour Mets Stadium, Baseball Stadium and Camp Tour of Coaching Practices of Wall Street Companies

Summary Note of Boston New York Trip, Presentation at Hudson River Cruise in Manhattan and later 2pm Broadway entertainment on 34th street, 5th Avenue (Rockefeller Center and Fashion Institute).

Departure from JFK Airport.